Les finished up physical therapy at the place he has been going to. We hope to go there as independent... just working on our own. We hope he can start with UCD soon. That is our goal, and hoping we can have Les on the standing frame there at UCD and possibly work up to getting one at home for him. So much we yet want to do, and so far yet to go. He will start with taxes before you know it, and then after that we hope to be able to work on finding part time work he can go to... we just need transportation or a job he does at home. Still no 501C to work with so we cant do fundraising yet to raise money for things we cant afford like the Nu Step bike and a van with hand controls.  Paula
It was so cool seeing Les stand up tonight at physical therapy with the physical therapists holding on to him. I hope one day soon to get a standing frame so he can stand up in it .  Paula
What a long week. I started back to work(teaching preschool) this week with both the morning and afternoon classes. It takes awhile to get back into the swing of things... getting up and ready and then making sure Les gets awake and ready before I leave for the day. He has come so far though since last February when we started with this journey. I dont have to make sure he is transferred to the chair before I leave as he has that down. He makes trips out to safeway for his starbucks fix or picking up a few grocery items. Of course our best thing that has happened is our move to a single story house instead of the tri level. He can access all rooms in this house and it is great. We still have to get the shower/bathtub modified so he can shower, but we are getting there. He can help me out alot more and is cooking again... making dinners for the family and we love that as he is the better cook.  Paula

Another starbucks trip today... He actually beat me there as I was running late in leaving. Kinda cool to get to meet him there... like old times only different. We look at another possible rental house on Sunday...I sure hope this one is something. It is so hard to keep looking and finding homes online that dont work because they are too small or 2 story. The last one we hoped would work, but would need too many ramps to get around so we gave up on it.... There has to be one out there somewhere for us!!  Paula
 Before Les' injury, he would meet me at Starbucks often times and I would get my tea and then we would say our goodbyes and part while we each did our errands and such. He has started doing that again... just different of course. Now he is in the power chair and says I will meet you at Starbucks. He can do this since we have one so closeby. I just wait a little while then leave the house and go meet him there. So we did this today... then came back home and got some things done so we could have the rest of the day free since it was his birthday. Opening more gifts at home and then moms house and enjoying some ice cream cake. It is so different now though as it is harder for him to open his gifts, even hug someone. He needs better core strength for better balance and we are still fighting for physical therapy. I will be happy when I can reach out and give him something with both hands and hopefully he wont fall forward or lose balance so easily.   Paula
 Today we had another birthday to celebrate. Heather turned 18. We went out to dinner at Logans and was a good time for all of us. I do notice when we go out about the so called handicapped accessible tables. Some are really good, and others you still have to work with it alot to make it work. We made it work though and it was a fun night out.   Paula
 Paula and I are out running errands and looking for another house to rent. She is getting good at loading my power chair on the carrier on the back of her car. I wish she didn't have to do it at all. I worry about how much longer her car is going to last. Her van was not made to be hauling things on the back end like this. I wish I had some vehicle that I could get my chair into and then I could drive. I miss driving. I want to drive again.  Les
Nothing special today... Woke up and was so tired I wanted to go back to sleep so did... Finally got up, knew I had to run errands for mom, but first help with Les... get him cathed... up for the bowel program, dressed and then I can get myself done and out. Gone are the days I just get up and get out. I feel bad when I am doing stuff for mom and he is at home alot. I know when I had school he was by himself, but know he gets lonely, feels like he cant do much and of course cant run errands or anything. Boy do I want him to get strong enough he can drive and then find a way to make that happen.  Paula
 Paula is at her mom's helping her with shopping etc... I wish I could help her at her mom's like I used to. I'm here at our house making phone calls and trying to get caught up on some things I need to get done. I know I am being somewhat productive, it just doesn't feel like it.  Les
 Had another physical therapy session today in the pool. It is a lot of work, but I hope it will be worth it in the end. There's that word again, HOPE. That is all we have right now. We are always hopiing that something good will come of all that we are going though. I know Paula is going through more than I could possibly ask anyone to go through. She is truly an amazing woman and I love her very very much.  Les